At Highfields Primary School, we recognise that the use of technology is essential for our pupils and we are passionate about empowering children to become confident, global citizens who use the internet safely and responsibly. However with this comes risk and it is important for children and parents to be aware of the risks and ways to ensure they are using the internet safely. This goal can only be achieved when parents work alongside the school as partners in developing online safety.

At Highfields, the children are introduced to using the internet safely, inlcuding the use of social media and teachers use every opportunity to faciliate discussions with the children about how they can stay safe online.

Online Safety At Home

We are aware that many of the children at school have access to the internet through a range od digital devices. We understand how difficult it can be to ensure your child is safe whilst accessing the internet and participating in a range of online activities.

Even through the use of digital devices, the children must understand the risk. It is the responsibility of us as teachers and you as adults to ensure the content of the website, game or video is suitably age appropriate. Taking the time to visit a website before the children have access to them is extremely important.

Family Support

As a parent, it is vital that you are aware of what your child is using the internet for and that you are informed about how to ensure they are safe online. Open and ongoing communication about technology will ensure that children are kept safe and are free to enjoy the internet responsibly. Setting up parent controls and helping your child stay safe online can be addressed at parents’ evenings, e-safety spotlights and newsletters. You can also contact us at school if you need advice.

There are many things you can do to keep your child safe online. As an absolute minimum, we recommend parents:

  • ensure your child has ‘safe adults’ they are willing to talk to if they are feeling unsure, frightened or upset about something they have seen.
  • do not give children access to their devices at bedtime/overnight.
  • have access to all of their child’s online accounts and know all passwords.
  • routinely review children’s internet accounts to ensure that they are not placing themselves at risk or are not being exploited by way of their activities online.

Always be careful when you are using the internet. It can help you to keep in touch with your friends and help your education – but it can also cause harm – to you and to others. Remember help is always available at school if you are having any problems online. Don’t be afraid to talk to your teacher or another adult at school.

Remember that internet connection is included within smartphones, tablets, iPods, laptops and games consoles, not just computers, so the same precautions should be taken with them.

Short Video about keeping safe online.

The importance of understanding online safety

Supporting young children to keep safe online (Years 6-10).

Internet Safety Tips for Kids

Staying Safe Online

Talk to your teachers and parent/carers about what you do and see online. Your parents hopefully will have settings and controls, like in the video above, that will help to stop you seeing anything unsafe just like we do at school.

  • If you do see or hear anything unsafe, you must report it to a safe adult straight away.
  • Never share your personal information with anyone online.
  • Remember that everything you do, see or hear online can be remembered by computers even after it is deleted. This is called your digital footprint.
  • What you do, say or hear online should be respectful at all times.
  • Think carefully before posting pictures or videos of yourself. Once you’ve put a picture of yourself online most people can see it and may be able to download it, it’s not just yours anymore.
  • Keep your privacy settings as high as possible.
  • If you see something online that makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe or worried: leave the website, turn off your computer if you want to and tell a trusted adult immediately.
  • Don’t meet up with people you’ve met online. Speak to your parent or carer about people suggesting you do.
  • Remember that not everyone online is who they say they are.